Direction, parking
The Zsóry Bath and holiday area belong to the town Mezőkövesd, located 4 kms to west from the towncenter.
By car:
You can find it 130 km from Budapest, 50 km from Miskolc and 25 km far from Eger along the M3 highway and the Nr 3 (E 71) main road.
GPS: 47.793972; 20.523926
By train:
Along the Nr. 80 Budapest-Miskolc-Kassa railway line (name of the stop: Mezőkövesd vá.) (
By bus:
Stop of local and long distance buses are moved to 150 m farther before the Coop Store (corner of Napfürdő str. - Fülemüle str.).
Interurban bus (name of the stop: Mezőkövesd, autóbusz-állomás )
Local bus: timetalbe for tourists from 1. Okt. 2024 - download (pdf)
timetalbe for tourists from 1. May. 2024 - download (pdf)
By bicycles:
It takes about 25 minutes to get the bath from the towncentre. From the border of the town you can use bicycle route with lighting.
Cycling routes in app Google Map, Strava, GPX, Komoot:
The new parking places before the main entrance (Napfürdő str.) are FREE all year around!
Parking places at the entrance of medical bath (from No. 3 main road) are PAYENT at the parking automat.
Periods when you need pay parking fee:
1. Mai – 30. June and 1-30. September:
Mon-Sat 7 am. – 6 pm.
Sun 7 am. – 4 pm.
1. July – 31. August:
Mon-Sat 7 am. – 7 pm.
Sun 7 am. – 4 pm.
1. October – 30. April: PARKING IS FREE
Parking fees only at the entrance of medical bath 1.V-30.IX:
Car | Bus | Motor | |
1 hour | 320 Ft | 1.080 Ft | 180 Ft |
1 day (more than 5 hours) | 1.600 Ft | 5.280 Ft | 840 Ft |
after 2 pm. | - | 2.640 Ft | - |
Mobilparking available in the parking at the entrance of medical bath (zone 3401) based on minute or day ticket – more information
Operator: Mezőkövesdi VG Nonprofit ZRt. Mezőkövesd, Dózsa Gy. út 2.; Tel.: +36-49/ 505-148
In winter season the entrance from the Napfürdő street and Olajfa street is open, but the cassa can be used only at the Main Road No. 3. Please follow this routes:
CarBusMotor1 hour200 Ft590 Ft105 Ft1 day (more than 5 hours) 1.000 Ft2.940 Ft525 Ftafter 2 pm.-1.470 Ft-